Maria Cuoco


Rosmenia Vasquez​

Asst. Director / Social Worker

Heidi Schmidt

Administrative Assistance

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 9:30am to 3:30pm
Lunch: 11:45am to 12:45pm
(slightly varied hours each day,
please check our newsletter for details.)


Established in 1971, the Italian/Newtown Senior Center, Inc., is committed to serving individuals age
60 years and older. Our members enjoy a variety of wellness, educational programs, and nutritional
meals. Our members call the Italian/Newtown Senior Center their “second home.” For many of our
members isolation and loneliness are important health risks. It is here that they come to spend the
day partaking in activities, enjoying a nutritional meal or just sit and have a cup of coffee while
socializing with their friends and meeting new friends.


A non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the welfare of Senior Citizens, sixty (60) years
of age and over.


To provide a facility for Senior Citizens encompassing programs in areas of health, recreation,
nutrition, welfare and general counseling.